First Congregational Church continues in-person Sunday services at 10AM, masks optional. Access the service remotely at this link. Meeting ID: 878 8863 1016 Invitation to Join Church Choir! Singers of all voice parts are invited to join the Choir. Youth Choir is available for elementary and middle schoolers. High School singers are welcome in Adult Choir. For more information call Margery Heins at 413-625-8461, or speak to her (available most Sundays) at coffee hour. ADULT ED ON RACIAL JUSTICE
Study Group on Israel-Palestine - an invitation to join The Ashfield Churches Together (ACT) Invites Members and Friends of First Church and St. John's to form a Joint Study Group on Israel-Palestine - First Meeting on Sunday, February 16 at 11:30AM The ACT has dedicated time during each of its last several meetings to discuss the mounting need for a renewed study of the situation in Israel-Palestine. Affirming the value of doing this jointly--both for our churches and for our wider community--the team has chosen the recently published Between the Wall--co-authored by a Jewish American and Canadian Arab--to begin our conversation and discernment. The book focuses on "what Jews and Palestinians don't want to know about each other", detailing and unpacking the assumptions and misunderstandings that have kept peace out of reach for so many decades. The study group will meet in-person at the First Congregational Church in Ashfield, on three Sundays at 11:30-1 PM. The first session will be held on February 16, and will cover the Introduction and Chapter 1. The second session will be held on March 16, covering Chapters 2 and 3, and a final session held on March 30, covering Chapter 4 and wrapping-up this discussion. Participants are invited to bring a brown bag lunch. Coffee provided. There is no cost. Those interested in participating in this book study can sign up by emailing Virginia Wiswell at [email protected] or in person at the First Congregational Church, in Friendship Hall, beginning this Sunday, Jan. 26. After signing-up, you can arrange to pick up your copy of the book, also at First Congregational Church. The deadline for signing up is Thursday February 6th. This study group will also make time over the course of the three sessions to review and discuss the present and historic statements of the United Church of Christ and the Episcopal Church. To learn more and to hear a conversation about the book, hosted by the Forbes Library and featuring its co-authors Raja G. Khouri and Jeffrey J. Wilkinson, click here: |
Bending Toward Justice 2023 ....
was a day long workshop/worship sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Western MA. It is an annual focus on the works and teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. The morning began with a service of communion, and was followed by a Zoom keynote address by Indianapolis Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, the first African American woman bishop of the Episcopal Church. Afternoon workshop topics included the Poor People’s Campaign, Shrinking the Racial Wealth Gap, Land Acknowledgments, Building Creation Care Justice (climate related), Episcopalians Against Gun Violence, and Welcoming the Stranger. Sue Craft and Annie Cheatham were invited to speak about our work with the Ahmadi family for the Welcoming the Stranger workshop. We were joined by two women who represented the Episcopal Cathedral and St.David’s Episcopal Church in Springfield. They worked together to sponsor an Afghan family of 7, and worked with the Jewish Family Services in Springfield throughout their process. Our story of how we have managed a long-distance relationship and offered support for over a year to the Ahmadis was very different from their story which is very hands-on. It was wonderful to hear how their family is doing, and for us to share how the Ahmadis are doing. The message from each project was that helping a family resettle in the US after traumatic war and experiences is a win-win for church and family. And that there are thousands of families waiting for support and care. A few photos of us and the conference. |
Minister's Office Hours
Thursdays late afternoon - early evenings Connect in person or by Zoom or phone. Rev. David Jones at [email protected] or call 904-868-9641 to set up a time. |
Worship Every Sunday
at 10:00 AM First Congregational Church of Ashfield is offering both in-person worship services and on-line access for those who wish to connect virtually. Email [email protected] to receive the link to our online service each week or find the link on our Worship page. |
Contact Information
429 Main Street * PO Box 519 * Ashfield MA 01330 [email protected] 413-628-4470 Subscribe to our Weekly Update and Sunday Worship Bulletin