First Congregational Church
of Ashfield
Creating Community, Welcoming All
Moving from Conversations About Revitalization… Toward A Sustained Revitalization Process Third Special Meeting To Be Held in Early November Following two Deacon retreats last Winter, it was concluded that, in the wake of the pandemic, it was time to be intentional about regathering our church community and discerning together what way God is calling our church to go. Our church is already full of life. And we have in recent years, despite Covid, undertaken and succeeded in a number of remarkable new ministries. But Covid was a profound event. It was a time of reckoning, when we each took stock of what was important and not important in our own lives. Our Deacons and I agreed we should do the same as a church. To that end, we launched a conversation about ‘revitalization.’ Revitalization is just what it sounds like: figuring out what really brings this church to life today–what energizes and inspires and moves us to be the church now–and taking whatever actions are needed to put those things at the center of everything we do. It also means letting go of anything unnecessary that doesn’t energize us in the present the way it may have in the past. Summary of the Conversation To-Date: Following their retreats, a subgroup of Deacons formed to work directly with me on our first task: to engage the congregation to find out if it agreed that it is time for church revitalization. At a special meeting last April, we used a resource provided by the Southern New England Conference of the UCC to help us evaluate where we are at as a church. And at a special meeting in May, we shared what inspires us in our own lives, and considered how these interests and passions could become a greater part of our congregational life. Over 50 unique voices were heard over these two meetings. This large cross section of the congregation discerned that, despite our many strengths, we also face significant challenges, both individually and as a community. There was a clear consensus that the time for revitalization is now. Pro Tip: You can find a collection of key takeaways, insights, and direct quotes from these two meetings on (colorful) display in Friendship Hall (thank you, Stein!). Report: This subgroup of Deacons and I met at the end of summer to reflect on what has been accomplished by initiating this conversation about revitalization, what has been challenging about doing so, and what the next steps for our congregation should be. What Was Accomplished:
What Has Been Challenging/Will Be Challenging:
Next Steps:
Submitted by Rev. David On behalf of the Revitalization Team of David, Kare Marshall, Caroline Mack, Leslie Fraser, and Margaret Boone Recording of Sherrill Hogen’s talk about her recent trip to Palestine From Traprock Center for Peace and Justice and Sherrill: Here is a link to the talk by Sherrill on July 24th: “Let’s Talk About Palestine."We are delighted to be able to offer it to you here, in full, courtesy of Greenfield Community TV: |
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. — James 1:27
IN PERSON & ZOOM WORSHIP First Congregational Church continues in-person Sunday services at 10AM, masks optional. Join the Sunday Zoom service here.
Meeting ID: 878 8863 1016 Find previous recordings here.
♫ Choir starts Sunday, September 8! ♫
Come and sing at 9 am! COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD
Hilltown Churches Food Pantry Distributions: Tuesdays, 3-5 August 20, September 3, September 17, October 1 Young Voices Speak Out About the Climate Crisis View a Zoom recording of this event from June 3, 2023 here. Ashfield Churches Together Seek to Raise $1,000 for World Central Kitchen Thanks for helping us surpass our goal of $1000!!! DONATE! Use this link to make a donation through our ACT team effort:
Creating Community, Welcoming All
“Creating Community, Welcoming All” -- Those words sum up our aspirations for our Ashfield church. For over 250 years, we have been group of people who strive to know God — in each other, in our life together, in the wider community, and in ourselves. Read more. |
First Congregational Church of Ashfield is offering both in-person worship services and on-line access for those who wish to connect virtually. To receive information about online services, contact [email protected]. Read more. |
Spiritual Resources